Apparently there is some talking among our members about our current allegiance to our clan, and us -the captains- being leaders of another, successful Halo clan (Totally Team).
'Do not worry!' We say! While it is true we have another clan, it is strictly Halo 2 and all members have already joined up with the BaFClan, we are no longer playing Halo 2's matchmaking because we feel it no longer caters to our needs as a clan (lack of mongooses, lack of matchmaking in general) and it is just not fun to simply win ALL THE TIME.
We hope this message is sufficient to ease our members' nerves, but just in case, I have set a date for the next clan-meeting:

This evening at Baszie's house. See you there!

Splatter on, keep betraying those sniper spawn campers and have a drink on the BaFClan,
Baszie out.

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